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16 replies
Beckyblue124 · 12/05/2017 19:12
Ok, so every single early detection Superdrug pregnancy test I do I get a very visible pink second line, within time frame. However every other single type of brand is negative??? Why would this be? :(
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Beckyblue124 · 12/05/2017 19:24
I should add that this has been going on for weeks! So it's not just it's picked it up early
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SheRaaarghPrincessOfPower · 12/05/2017 19:26
Superdrug are tests one of the best ones you can buy for early detection. How many weeks have you had positives?
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MrsCharlieD · 12/05/2017 20:11
There are loads of threads on here about the superdrug tests giving false positives. I'm really sorry but I wouldn't trust them.
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Hotpinkangel19 · 12/05/2017 21:48
Awful tests! Don't trust them!!!!
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MaryShelley1818 · 13/05/2017 07:41
Definitely don't trust them, notorious for giving false positives.
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NoOneLikesACrispyTowel · 13/05/2017 08:34
I wish people would stop saying this!
They are currently the worst you can buy and they should all be recalled.
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Beckyblue124 · 13/05/2017 08:56
Thanks everyone for your replies! I'd heard nothing but great things which is why I've kept trying! :( bet they're breaking a few hearts at the moment ...
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Hotpinkangel19 · 13/05/2017 11:36
This is mine.... was not pregnant. Why do people think they are so great?
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jinglebellmel · 13/05/2017 17:00
I've always found them pretty good, but does seem odd if the line is v clear and you still aren't getting a line on others. Personally I swear by the asda early detection tests, cheap and gave a positive earlier than superdrug or first response. Maybe try one of those or a first response - if the superdrug test is correct I'd expect to get a positive on either of those brands too. Good luck
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jinglebellmel · 13/05/2017 17:04
Also when people say they get false positives, I thought that was practically impossible on a pink dye test? Superdrug tests are supposed to be one of the most sensetive according to the hormone levels you need for a positive, is it possible that some people are detecting a v early pregnancy which then doesn't progress? I hope that doesn't upset anyone, it's not intended too, it just always seems a likely possibility to me when people say they've had a false positive on an early detection test.
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Hotpinkangel19 · 13/05/2017 18:20
Nope, definitely not!!! 100% was never pregnant at that time.
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Hotpinkangel19 · 13/05/2017 18:21
I've had 2 early miscarriages/chemicals. Definitely wasn't that x
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cookielove · 13/05/2017 18:24
I had the same :(
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cookielove · 13/05/2017 18:24
So frigging faint but got my hopes up!
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jinglebellmel · 13/05/2017 20:44
Sounds like there is an issue with them then, not good, can only imagine how disappointing that is for anyone who gets a false positive.
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Beckyblue124 · 13/05/2017 20:52
Yeah I've had so many I've lost count. All a very very visible pink line. But after weeks of this I can't imagine that no other test would pick it up. Heartbreaking when you're led to believe you have a little one on board
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